Past Experience: Start from, merchant navy worldwide. Since 1977, In 1985 to 1990 involve in Marine Construction and Engineering works - Dredging and Reclamation projects until 1992. 1993 to 1997 - Dredging Sand and Supply. 2007 to 2012 - Gold, Iron Ore, Nickel, Manganese and Coal Explore - Mining - Development. In 2013, We have potential resources - Sand and Rock - Sand billion of tons, rock millions of tons - Limestone, Limesand - Iron Ore - Option Silica - Frac Sand - Rock Salt, etc;....
Brief info - 1987 Argentina - Expansion- Fisheries Port projects in Argentina, South America. Marine works in Ranong, Thailand, Tuas reclamation project. Dredging Rock grabber Kuantan Port - Pahang, Break water in Tg Berhala Port-Kemaman, Terengganu, lobby materials for housing development and land reclamation - sea sand, concrete sand, rock and granite materials and, Lobby and Survey-coal and gold in South Philippines, etc;......
Port Klang and Malacca (Turnkey project), Sand survey and dredging in Malaysia. Channel Deepening in Macobar, Batam, Back filling, Mud Clearing (mini forest, swamp), Reclamation in Balikpapan, Survey Rock quarry from Bintan and Karimun, Clay Bucket Dredging in PSA container port. Sand dredging and transport to Pasir Panjang, P. Serayu, Tua 2 link, Yishun Golf Club, Stulang, Johor. Land Clearing in Batam, Indonesia (mini forest, swamp), coal stockpile in Kalimantan and Padang, Lobby and Survey-Coal, iron ore, gold concession area in Sumatra, North Sulawesi and Java, Indonesia, etc;...
Brief info - 1987 Argentina - Expansion- Fisheries Port projects in Argentina, South America. Marine works in Ranong, Thailand, Tuas reclamation project. Dredging Rock grabber Kuantan Port - Pahang, Break water in Tg Berhala Port-Kemaman, Terengganu, lobby materials for housing development and land reclamation - sea sand, concrete sand, rock and granite materials and, Lobby and Survey-coal and gold in South Philippines, etc;......
Port Klang and Malacca (Turnkey project), Sand survey and dredging in Malaysia. Channel Deepening in Macobar, Batam, Back filling, Mud Clearing (mini forest, swamp), Reclamation in Balikpapan, Survey Rock quarry from Bintan and Karimun, Clay Bucket Dredging in PSA container port. Sand dredging and transport to Pasir Panjang, P. Serayu, Tua 2 link, Yishun Golf Club, Stulang, Johor. Land Clearing in Batam, Indonesia (mini forest, swamp), coal stockpile in Kalimantan and Padang, Lobby and Survey-Coal, iron ore, gold concession area in Sumatra, North Sulawesi and Java, Indonesia, etc;...
Regard, my past experience works - Marine Construction, Dredging and supply marine sand
and rock 1992 to 1997 from Indonesia. After the ban, stopped.