and Frac Sand, those special type sand are the keys to producing oil and gas from tight shale formation. Good quality sand, high silica content rocks.

We have a resource - Huge – very wide and appear to be very clean white sand derived from limestones or various grades of sedimentary rocks siliciclastic and clastic – same setting as Perth which has some of the finest sands in the world –including silica sand. The coast of the location seems to have a very low level of habitation.
There are huge quantities of very hard limestone – which may also be economic to mine and export – because Asia has a huge problem with sourcing amour rock of good quality. I have read a large report – a lot of big rock available. Also has various grades of ultra basic – basic rocks – blue metal grades such as diorites are present.

It may well have good silica sands which will be in demand as the shale gas boom in the USA spreads to Asia. The USA is using about 30 million Tonnes of frac sand a year and this location a lot of silica sand.
It is a punt but if we could add a footprint in the location to the business model, we may be more attractive to supply Asia market. Just 2 million Tonnes per annum out of those big rivers – if allowed - which we can’t do here in those volumes – could be profitable.
We could officially be looking at starting up a small quarrying operation for the export market.
It is a punt but if we could add a footprint in the location to the business model, we may be more attractive to supply Asia market. Just 2 million Tonnes per annum out of those big rivers – if allowed - which we can’t do here in those volumes – could be profitable.
We could officially be looking at starting up a small quarrying operation for the export market.